50% first application plus two free applications!

Lawn service Packages in Independence, MO

We’re excited to offer you a Special New Customer Promotion for your first year of service!
50% off the first application you receive plus two free additional applications (one-time perimeter pest applications and a free winter lime application). Disclaimer: First year of service only.
Our Lawn Service Packages
Your first year of service includes a one-time perimeter pest application and a free winter lime application.
Bronze package
✔ Complete lawn analysis
✔ Free Service calls (provided signed up for all 7 applications)
✔ 7 applications of fertilization and weed control
Silver package
✔ Complete lawn analysis
✔ Free Service calls (provided signed up for all 7 applications)
✔ 7 applications of fertilization and weed control
✔ Sam's Super Mix Spring - Specialty spring mix of liquid aerate and de-thatch
✔ Double core aeration (two different directions) - Completed in the fall
✔ Overseeding - Completed in the fall
Gold Package
✔ Complete lawn analysis
✔ Free Service calls (provided signed up for all 7 applications)
✔ 7 applications of fertilization and weed control
✔ Sam's Super Mix Spring - Specialty spring mix of liquid aerate and de-thatch
✔ Double core aeration (two different directions) - Completed in the fall
✔ Overseeding - Completed in the fall
✔ Winter Lime - Crucial to raise your soils pH balance

Contact US
Call or message Sam's Turf Care for a residential or commercial lawn care quote.