Let us balance your soil's pH level with our professional lime treatments this winter.
Yard Lime Treatments for Properties in & Around Independence, Gladstone, North Kansas City, MO & Nearby Areas
Schedule our lime treatments today to help your grass grow vibrant and green!
Lime treatments are an important aspect of caring for your lawn, and as such, they should not be overlooked. We offer winter lime applications for lawns to help give your grass the boost of support that it needs. Our yard lime treatment is designed to help reverse overly acidic soil by bringing its pH level back into balance so that your grass can grow vibrant and green come springtime. We apply our slow-release lime applications over your grass and it will increase the uptake of nutrients in your lawn over time. This treatment will also help with thatch decomposition. We offer this service in Independence, Gladstone, North Kansas City, and nearby areas in Missouri, making Sam’s Turf the obvious choice for all your local lawn care needs. If you would like to schedule our lime treatments, give us a call today at (816) 886-1121 to get started.
We offer our Yard lime treatments annually in the winter to keep your soil in balance.
Lime treatment for lawns are crucial for helping soils consistently maintain healthy pH levels. Having the right pH balance in your soil is important for a variety of other reasons too. In Missouri, if your soil becomes overly acidic, your grass will have trouble taking in the nutrients from fertilizers and will become deficient in essential micronutrients like zinc and iron. These deficiencies can cause your grass to be full of weeds and become yellow and shriveled. We offer lime applications in the winter to help bring your soil's pH balance to an optimum level so that you can avoid these problems. Don’t wait - schedule our lawn repair services today!
How We Apply Our Lime Treatments
Lime treatments are essentially pulverized limestone, but they are packed with calcium and magnesium, which are essential compounds for your soil. They will restore your soil's pH by helping replace the micronutrients that were lost throughout the year due to its overly acidic properties.
When you register for this service, our team will apply our limestone treatments over the surface of your grass. The lime treatment will appear bright green, almost teal in color. Our product is slow-release, so it will gradually absorb into your soil over time to improve its nutrient uptake. After this service is performed in the winter, your grass should be nice and green come springtime!
We have been offering lime treatments to property owners in the Independence, MO area since 1985!
Lime treatments also help with thatch decomposition.
Our lime treatment for lawns is an effective a comprehensive grass treatment that not only promotes healthy soil, but breaks down thatch as well! Thatch is the layer of organic matter just below your grass and above the soil. It is beneficial for your lawn in small amounts, but too much thatch will cause compaction, which can make your grass susceptible to drought and can decrease its nutrient flow. Our lime treatments help with thatch decomposition by breaking down some of this organic matter. This process occurs as the lime grass treatment sits on top of your lawn and slowly absorbs throughout your grass.

Give us a call to schedule our lime treatments today!
Are you looking for lawn repair services? If your grass has been struggling to grow lately and has not produced its vibrant green color, your soil may need a boost. We offer comprehensive lime grass treatments at Sam’s Turf Care! Investing in our lime treatments annually in the winter will help improve your soil's pH level, which will then improve the overall quality of your grass. We offer our lime applications for lawn services in Independence, Gladstone, North Kansas City, and nearby areas in Missouri. Call us today at (816) 886-1121 to speak with one of our professionals and get local lawn care services that you can trust. We look forward to working with you to help you get the beautiful lawn that you've always wanted!